Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow, sugar, knish?

While everybody else back east (or really back 'mid-west') is basking in the glow of uncannily warm weather - except for the very few ruing the un-wintery climate - here in Seattle it is freakishly cold. It snowed today . . . twice apparently, once in the morning and once in the evening. The evening snow was lovely, I was out walking at the time. There were nickle and dime size flakes of fluffy sticky snow that clung to everything and made the world look all winter wonderland-ish, like it had all been turned upside down and dipped in a sugar bowl. I love sugar . . . .

In other news, I reached a certain level of baking triumph. I made some rather tasty knishes. I think I've discussed my love of pocket like bread or dumpling foods and knishes fall into that category. My knishes had potatoes, broccoli, and onions inside and were simply delicious. I haven't quite mastered the wrapping up part so there was a bit of excess dough on top but that didn't bother me so much. The only tragic part about them was that in my hurry to eat them, I burned the roof of my mouth on the potato filling which was quite hot. Despite my food related injury I persevered and kept eating, really I couldn't stop which should probably be attributed to sheer stupidity instead of anything resembling perseverance.


Anonymous said...

knishes sound scrumptious

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...knishes - sounds delicious!

Anonymous said...

oh man! I had a knish in New York at Katz's Deli on a recent visit. It was delectable with apple sauce.

Anonymous said...


jen said...

everyone loves a good knish :)

timothy: i'm so jealous that you got to have a real knish in NY. the place i used to go to in Seattle turned into a thai restaurant several years ago and several incarnations later is now a wine bistro . . . i think they should have stuck to the knishes and soup.

Anonymous said...

What is a knish, anyway?

Anonymous said...

Sounds deliciously moreish & scrumdidilyumptious !

jen said...

What is a knish you ask . . . well basically it's bread filled with various kinds of stuffing, but it's so much more than that! They're originally Jewish, I think, and the bread is more like bagel dough. They're baked and the stuffing can consist of almost anything although usually savory ingredients from my experience. You should take a look at for a full description - how convenient is wikipedia?