Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Yes, the grass is always greener . . .

So, now that I'm overwhelmed with work I think longingly of the days when I actually had free time, when I could come home at the end of the day and not have homework to do or tests to study for. But I know that back then I thought longingly of being in school, doing research, and having witty debates in class . . . well I assume I did or I wouldn't be back in school now, would I? So, yes the grass is always greener . . . at some point someone is going to have to incorporate astro-turf into that sentiment.

Yes, so I'm back from the land of non-blogging. And as I've already mentioned I'm a little overwhelmed with work. I'm not entirely sure how that happened, one day I was pretty much on top of everything and then the next day everything had gone to pot. I'm decisively behind in 2 of my 3 classes. And on top of my classes I'm still working 3 jobs . . . don't ask how that happened. I know I swore that off after Spring Quarter but . . . well I'm a pushover and get suckered into things. Today is a perfect instance of my pushover-ness - as part of a class project I've been setting up an interview with a contact at the Japanese Consulate. Part of the assignment is to record the conversation so that my instructor can listen to it afterwards. Well, of course, the Consulate has a no recording policy so I can't record the interview but I only found this out yesterday. So, I'm asking both instructor and interviewee what can be done about this situation . . . apparently a whole lot of nothing! So, now I'm going to go do an interview that no longer counts as part of the assignment since it's not recorded all because I feel guilty about canceling the interview I set up. And all when I have precious little time to be doing any of these things . . . pooh.

On the up side, it's Wednesday which means the week is half over. And yesterday I saw the public library's bookmobile and that made me smile - still smile actually. I mean, it's a truncated school bus with giant cartoon animals painted on the outside, how can it not make you smile?

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