Monday, September 08, 2008

The space between here and there

I'm about to dash out the door and off to work (and by 'work' I mean my play job not a 'real' job - I don't know why I need to differentiate but somehow it felt necessary after conversations that I've been having lately), but I wanted to post a short update to my life. So, still indecisive about my life I'm living temporarily with a friend/my boss. It was strange to get back from a short visit to Michigan and be staying in a place that didn't feel quite my own. I feel as though just I'm a visitor here, not only in my room but in Seattle too. Is that strange?

There is part of me that wants to run back to Michigan (not literally) and hide out in the house there, comfortable amongst all of my belongings and familiar surroundings. How can location be so important to a person? The only thing that has changed here is my actual living space, otherwise I live only a few blocks from my old apartment, in the same neighborhood, amongst all my familiar surroundings. Is it really so important to find a space and a place for oneself? I guess it is.

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