Thursday, August 03, 2006

Beginnings . . .

Every new beginning deserves a new challenge, so here I go. Let's see if I can keep this up.

So, I've moved again for the umpteenth time in as many years. But this time I'm coming back to someplace I've lived before. It's like meeting an old friend for the first time in years and rediscovering all the reasons you liked them so much to begin with and then wondering why you haven't kept in better touch. Everyday I remember something new that I loved about this city. I am rediscovering old haunts and mourning the loss of others. There is a little adventure around every corner and as much as I detest the process of packing and saying goodbyes, it is the little adventures that make moving tolerable, even enjoyable. After all, I am a child of wanderlust and will always be happy to roam.

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