Sunday, January 27, 2008

Catharsis in sadness and heartache

There are moments in life when pain and heartache are fitting. Right now all I want to do is lay down, listen to heart-wrenchingling sad music, and let the sadness overpower my limp inert body. I want the heartache to swallow me whole and embrace me in its cold but familiar arms. Is it odd that I find it easier to be utterly devastated than to be happy? That here in this sadness I feel more 'in place' than anywhere else. That this is the emotion in which I seek solace and at times peace. Is it odd that I revisit this emotion by choice for no particular reason at all?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If words were images

It seems mildly pointless to share this since you can't see it and I can't get a picture of it but none the less . . . at this moment there is a perfect halo cloud above the peak of Mt Rainier, as though the mountain were somehow being angelic. The mountain is covered in snow but with the sunlight raining down on us today it can't be seen. Instead the whole mountain looks a misty blue lost in the haze. Even though it is bitterly cold for Seattle I'm not going to complain because the sun is out and that doesn't happen so often around there this time of year.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sparklyland meets creamland

Oh dear, I haven't posted in an eon . . . over a month I see. Well that's unfortunate. Clearly I had more than enough time to post while in Japan since I was on vacation but there always seemed to be other things to do. And since getting back to Seattle my life has just been a whirlwind of activities and I really haven't had time to sit down and do anything sensible or productive. Needless to say my room is in a complete state of disarray and I can't find a thing.

I was feeling ever so motivated to post yesterday evening and was all set to do so but ended up watching a DVD instead and then crawled into bed because I had fallen asleep on the couch . . . a situation that I find myself in with increasing frequency, and it makes me feel like my grandmother.

So what was I so excited to blog about yesterday? I can't recall anymore really. Some snippets of conversations that were had in the apartment that were entertaining and interesting episodes from campus. What I do remember though is the Poetry on the Bus pieces that I had enjoyed on the bus ride home. I particularly liked If I Were A Bus and creamland. I think I too would like to go to "sparklyland," it sounds lovely wherever it may be. And "creamland," really need I say more? That is totally the place for me. The imagination of children is just so wonderful, isn't it? I think I like the worlds they create more than the world we live in.