Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chocolate, oh chocolate wherefore art thou so sweet and delicious?

Keeping with the theme of chocolate goodness, I was skimming through some of my favorite on-line spots and saw this little number on Chow. A top ten list of retro candy bars across America?! Yes, it's true. I'm sad to say (and slightly surprised) that I've only had one of these confectionery delights - the Idaho Spud. The one I ate was a gift from Bethany who had visited Idaho but they can also be purchased at the local drugstore (after all Idaho is a neighboring state). I quite enjoyed the spud. Everyone else had issues with it, a dislike of marshmallow, a dislike of coconut, etc., but I thought it was . . . well, special in its very own way. The only thing to take away from the joy of my spud was Bethany telling us that she had debated between the Idaho Spuds and t-shirts that said Darth Tater . . . need I say more?

Does Michigan have a retro candy bar? For that matter does it have t-shirts with witty word play referencing Star Wars? All I can think of as strictly Michigan is Vernors (which isn't entirely true anymore), Faygo, Superman ice cream (which I'm not even sure about), and Cake Batter ice cream. Two types of soda pop and ice cream, can they really compare to a candy bar? I don't know.

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