Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why hello there . . .

Posts have been few and far between this summer and I apologize for that. I had every intention of being an avid blogger during the summer but . . . well, clearly that hasn't happened. Between the move, work, the lack of internet at my place, and kicking back in general I haven't been up to a whole lot. I have however turned into a knitting superstar. The lack of internet and television at my apartment means that I spend a lot of evenings reading or watching movies on my laptop and knitting. I've gotten through a pair of fingerless gloves, a hat, a skirt, a pair of socks, and I'm in the midst of a bag. All of that in the past 2 weeks, isn't that a little superstar-ish? I feel like I'm in training for the Knitting Olympics.

At the moment I'm in a coffee shop surfing the web but also doing some work on-line. It's a nice coffee shop and I enjoy being here but the music is so loud I feel like I can barely hear myself think. On one hand it does drown out the conversations of the people at tables nearby but I definitely couldn't listen to my own music if I wanted to . . . too much clashing and competing noise. Maybe I should bring earplugs instead of earphones next time. I must admit though that it is very fun to people watch.

In the foreground of my lovely view of Mt Rainier from the living room is a dying (or perhaps already dead) cedar tree. There are a pair of hummingbirds that like to zoom about the top of it. I suspect that they have a nest there but I can't see it. Every once in a while I'll catch a glimpse of them sitting on a branch before they start zooming about and it strikes me as odd. I mean obviously they should be able to perch there but whenever you see them hovering you don't see their legs so I start to think of them as being without legs. Poor things, I've mentally turned them into amputees. Anyway, that's my random though for the day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jen I got the package, thank you - I can say the fingerless mits are an incredible part of your superknitting production...I want to hear more about the skirt!