Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sparklyland meets creamland

Oh dear, I haven't posted in an eon . . . over a month I see. Well that's unfortunate. Clearly I had more than enough time to post while in Japan since I was on vacation but there always seemed to be other things to do. And since getting back to Seattle my life has just been a whirlwind of activities and I really haven't had time to sit down and do anything sensible or productive. Needless to say my room is in a complete state of disarray and I can't find a thing.

I was feeling ever so motivated to post yesterday evening and was all set to do so but ended up watching a DVD instead and then crawled into bed because I had fallen asleep on the couch . . . a situation that I find myself in with increasing frequency, and it makes me feel like my grandmother.

So what was I so excited to blog about yesterday? I can't recall anymore really. Some snippets of conversations that were had in the apartment that were entertaining and interesting episodes from campus. What I do remember though is the Poetry on the Bus pieces that I had enjoyed on the bus ride home. I particularly liked If I Were A Bus and creamland. I think I too would like to go to "sparklyland," it sounds lovely wherever it may be. And "creamland," really need I say more? That is totally the place for me. The imagination of children is just so wonderful, isn't it? I think I like the worlds they create more than the world we live in.

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