Thursday, June 19, 2008

Somewhere between hot and not

So, I flew into Japan last night and am now back at home in Kobe. It's been a while since I was in Japan in the summer, a conscious choice on my part since I'm a wimp when it comes to humidity. I had been hoping that since it's still pretty early in the summer the humidity wouldn't be so bad but that was wishful thinking. It's not as humid as it could be but it's still humid, enough so to make it feel warmer than it actually is. The temperature actually feels like a bizarre halfway point between being lukewarm and hot, if that makes sense. It's not a searing crisp heat but a heat that seems to hang in the air, like the heat of a sauna or, closer yet, the heat you feel when you're soaking just your feet in hot water for an extended period of time.

Anyway, besides the heat, things are chugging along at a rapid pace without time for me to consider jetlag. Since my trip is so short, I'm carrying a very full schedule which is, I think, a good thing since I'll be making the most of my time here. And so I go to start my day full of things to do and people to see.

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