Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's Wednesday

It has been far too long since I last posted. I haven't got a good excuse . . . maybe that school is keeping me busy or in reality kicking my tush. Just a few random thoughts from life lately.

Academic reading can be fascinating at times and dry as day-old bread crumbs at others. Sometimes though we're fortunate enough to run across little gems hidden in amongst the wordy muddle. Just such a gem that I encountered lately,
"Are low trusters social idiots?"
Yes, really. I didn't think the word "idiot" could be used in academic writing, but there it was. And no, low trusters aren't social idiots in case you were wondering.

And in random people sitings, I saw the Shoebox Greeting Card granny. You know who I'm talking about, the sassy old granny with the wavy white hair and sunglasses who is always on the Shoebox Greeting cards. I know she's supposed to be a fictitious person but I saw her . . . except she had shorter hair. She was waiting to cross the street with me in front of the hotdog shop on 45th. I wanted to say something to her just to see if she'd comeback with a saucy remark but thought better of it. After all, actually talking to her could have ruined my little encounter.

I bought yarn for myself for the first time in ages, it seemed so extravagant. With a limited income of late, I've only let myself buy yarn that would go into gifts for other people. But since I moved to Seattle without my stash (well, a very small portion came with me) I don't have any yarn to play with, so indulged myself and got a beautiful hank of Manos del Uruguay which I've been eyeing covetously for ages. Now, I have to fight the urge to knit or at least fight it until I've done my homework for the day, then out come the knitting needles and it will be time to play!

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