Friday, October 20, 2006


Heavens to Betsy, it's Friday! How does the week go by so quickly? It was just Tuesday . . . and now it's Friday. Anyway, I should be reading an article for my next class but I'm being indulgent and blogging instead. Besides reading the article would mean printing some of it out and my ink cartridge has been dying a slow and colorful death. I ran out of black ink the day before yesterday and the paper I printed out for class this morning started out in navy and slowly faded to a mauve-ish violet color. I hope my professor has a sense of humor about it.

Something special for Friday . . . well, for some reason the acronym TGIF always makes me think of ice cream and since I had a lovely homemade ice cream sandwich after lunch I'm going to make a short list (in no particular order) of ice cream flavors that make my world go round. Please add or suggest at your leisure . . .

1. Strawberry Cheesecake
2. Cake Batter - which I've only ever had in Michigan
3. Butter Pecan
4. Mint Chocolate Chip - but not the artificially green kind b/c that's a little scary
5. Moose Tracks (or Traxx)
6. Neapolitan - a classic; three flavors in one, what more could you ask for?


Anonymous said...

I love your blog. This entry reminds me of growing up in Kuwait. We used to have fridays off so our acronym was So Happy It's Thursday. It only recently occured to me why my American and Candian friends thought that was funny.

jen said...

An unfortunate acronym . . . although perhaps appropriate depending on how you were using it. Either way, are you happy that it's Thursday? Or at least it was Thursday until a couple minutes ago :)