Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow in Seattle?

Yes, it's snowing in Seattle . . .

It's fiercely cold in that damp, soaks-through-to-your-bone kind of way that characterizes Seattle winters. There's a little drift of snow outside my front door and it looks so pretty against the bamboo and the red berries on the tree whose name I don't know. The snow is wet and sticky, and is clinging to the bamboo leaves. If I look at it through the small viewfinder box I've made with my fingers, I can pretend that I'm in the Chinese highlands and that at any moment a panda bear will come sauntering through the bamboo thicket. The daydream is short lived though as the neighbors whoop and holler as they revel in the falling snow. That's definitely not what pandas sound like. I can only look forward to tomorrow when it will be bedlam in Seattle - in a city unused to snow, even this little sprinkling will wreak havoc if it sticks around.

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