Friday, December 01, 2006

Rock shows and tooth decay

Yes, I'm cold and tired but I'm also basking in the glow of having gone to a rock show. I've hardly been to any shows since I've moved out here (it's a crying shame, I know) so it was a nice change.

Who did I see you ask, why Tapes 'n Tapes of course. They were playing at the HUB, a slightly odd venue since they were playing in a ballroom, but hey a show is a show and it rocked. Actually, it rocked a little too much decibel-wise and I wished that I had some earplugs . . . I feel old when I say things like that but then again there's no replacing my eardrums so I've gotta take care of the ones I've got. Anna was saying something along those lines about her teeth today, some sort of need to cut back on sugar because her teeth were hurting (FYI, Anna is a candy fiend!). She was freaking out because one of her co-workers told her about how he's already lost several teeth (literally lost, as in they spontaneously fell out and there was nothing he could do about it) to his love of candy and sugar. I think the damage may have already been done for Anna, not to mention I don't know if she can kick her sugar habit completely.

Anyway, where was I before I went off on that tangent . . . oh yes, rock shows. So, Tapes 'n Tapes is especially exciting because I can actually say I know someone in the band! I think watching a rock show when you know the musicians adds another dimension to the interest of the show, wouldn't you agree? Plus it's just nice to see people making a living at something that clearly makes them happy . . . they really looked like they were having a good time and that made me smile.

So, here's to the gentlemen of Tapes - a round of smiles. Show off those pearly whites before the sugar gets to them and they spontaneously fall out.

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