Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It's very much like a movie in my head . . .

Doesn't everybody have an internal dialogue going on at all times? Apparently not. And no soundtrack either? What goes on in other people's heads if there isn't dialogue or a soundtrack?! I'm baffled. I have both, it's very busy in my head. There is always a hypothetical conversation going on with me and whomever in addition to the actual conversation that is being had at the moment. This may be the root of my problem of hearing things wrong, sometimes actual conversations and the inner dialogue get mixed up and what I end up saying makes no sense. Another problem is that I can't remember which conversations were real and which were only in my head so I can't remember what I've actually told people and what I imagined I told people . . . so confusing. I manage to keep it all pretty organized but sometimes it gets a little out of hand, can you see why it's hard being me sometimes? Although I do rather enjoy the personal soundtrack . . .

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