Friday, September 08, 2006

Waiting is the worst

A watched pot never boils, similarly anticipated e-mails never arrive when you wait for them. I took a placement test earlier today and was told that I'd get the results later by e-mail . . . I'm waiting with baited breath and checking my e-mail every 3 minutes but there's nothing. I'm not interested in my actual scores, I have no doubt that my performance was mediocre at best, but I want to know what class the scores will place me in because that will determine my schedule for the next semester and with a set schedule I'll be able to make a myriad of decisions about my life. How can so many things depend upon the scheduling and placement of one class? Is it something I've made up and given extra significance? Or is it that it is the key piece of a puzzle that makes everything else fall into place? I'd like to think its the latter. The last couple of years my life has had so little order and structure, and now I find myself impatient for the return of routine and some type of framework to my life.

I'm still waiting . . . still no e-mail.

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