Monday, September 11, 2006


My life in fractions . . .

One third daydreaming
One third indecision
One third reality

I probably spend too much time in indecision and not enough time in reality but with the state of the world today reality is a grim spot and daydreams are so comforting. It's not that I don't care, with war and terrorism always looming it's hard not to care, but worrying and fretting about things I have no direct control over is futile. As for my indecision it's probably something I should work on, it has always been a problem for me. Melanie told me about a former employer who based his day upon his horoscope so that he wouldn't be troubled by indecision. An interesting solution to the problem . . . although I don't think I could make that leap of faith with astrology it is a tempting alternative.

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